Privacy Policy



Our company respects and protects the privacy of our guests and customers :) We hope that the document developed below accurately clarifies issues related to the collection and use of information concerning users and customers


Information contained in access logs


We take advantage of software and servers provided by the renowned SOTE company. More information here:

Like most companies, we collect information concerning the use of services by users and their IP addresses based on analyzing access logs. This information is used for technical purposes related to the administration of servers, as well as for statistical purposes.

Data provided in an order


To carry out an order for goods available in our offer, it is necessary to fill out a form containing the basic data concerning the user (name, surname, company name, contact, address), this data is necessary to execute an order and shipment, as well for accounting purposes (for example issuing an invoice). This information is not shared with third parties.

Newsletter subscription 

Signing up for the Newsletter requires providing an e-mail address allowing to contact the user.
It is possible to delete your data from the newsletter database in any newsletter email sent to customers by clicking on the appropriate link, such a request can also be addressed to

Customers making a purchase in our store are automatically entered into the newsletter database. That way Caprese Dorota Szambelan (owner of the store) informs users of our program about changes in terms and conditions, new deliveries, or available promotions. We do not use this data to send spam and advertising articles of anything other than our store.

Storage of data on SOTE servers

Method of storing the data entrusted to us on our servers: websites, store pages, e-mail accounts is in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. This data is protected by various types of securities.


Your web browser stores text files ("cookies") on your computer's drive. These files contain information necessary for the proper functioning of websites, in particular those requiring authorization.

The content of cookies does not allow user identification, no storage or processing of personal data takes place on their basis.

SOTE stores cookies on users' computers in order to maintain the user's session after entering the website, for example keeping the contents of the shopping cart


By executing an order for any of the products we offer and choosing a method of payment by credit card or quick transfer, the customer goes through an encrypted link to the website of an authorization company with which we have signed a relevant contract (PayU and PayPal), there the customer performs a financial operation. The company authorizing the transactions is responsible for all such financial operations. Caprese Dorota Szambelan does not have access to data such as a card number, account access, etc.

External links

On our website you can find external links referring to the websites of our Partners and store pages of our customers. We are not responsible for the content contained on these sites and are not responsible for the privacy policies applied by the owners of these sites.

Changes to privacy policy

The development of internet technology, legislative changes in the field of personal data protection, and the development of our website may affect changes in the privacy policy of the website. We will inform the users of our website about any changes without delay.


If you have any questions concerning the above privacy statement, the terms of use of the website or the possibility of contacting us, please send your comments to: