About us



My name is Dorota Szambelan and since 2010 I run CAPRESE HOME DECOR store at www.e-caprese.pl with its office in Poland in Przygodzice (63-421) at Kasztanowa 82. (PL6222546719)

Caprese Home Decor


How did I come up with the idea?

It all started in a beautiful place called Limone sul Garda <3



Caprese Home Decor



My mother and I went on a trip to our beloved Italy. It was there that I saw hand-painted dishes at a shop stall for the first time. I fell in love at first sight and I just had to have them;) Green Spaghetti bowls with handles. It was a perfect souvenir for me - a combination of two passions - love of food and travel.

Caprese Home Decor store was created in accordance with the sweet, italian maxim "dolce far niente" - we are trying to handle it :) Please be understanding and welcome in our little world.


Caprese Home Decor


Alicja & Dorota